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Safe in a File

Safe in a File

First Security Safe Co. sells a variety of safes and one of them is what we call the Safe in a File. This seemingly regular four-drawer fire resistant file cabinet is no mild-mannered file cabinet. On the outside, this is a fire resistant cabinet that provides the highest level of protection for your important documents against potential fires, severe impact damage and are designed to prevent water damage resulting from fire sprinklers and hoses. Within this seemingly regular four-drawer file cabinet is an inner safe constructed with steel walls and a separate high security combination or electronic lock. The safe itself is roomy with 2.4 cubic ft. of capacity and is drill resistant for additional discrete burglary protection. The Safe-in-a-File looks like a regular file cabinet, but the top drawer unlocks and opens horizontally to reveal the safe. Safe features internal relocking device which automatically locks bolt-work in case of tampering. Both safe and file drawers offer fireproof protection.

Owning a fire resistant file cabinet is one of the best and most ideal storage carriers for every business to protect their assets. In addition to Safe-in-a-File products, First Security Safe Co. offers a number of standard brand new file cabinet models including lateral files, vertical files, two-hour rated files, in both letter and legal size as well as standard 31.5”depth and shallower 25” depth. Besides protection from the threat of fire, First Security fire resistant file cabinets offer advanced protections against burglary and are equipped with high security key locking systems which makes them both functional and cleverly designed. Gain incredible safety and dual purpose convenience with a Safe-in-a-File from First Security Safe Co.



A First Security Safe-In-A-File product is a good investment if you keep lots of paper documents that need a uniform, clean and organized storage arrangement with excellent fire protection. A safe-in-a file consists of a high security safe hidden on the top drawer of a similar 3 or 4 drawer file cabinet hence you can also use this cabinet for the security of expensive valuables besides the usual orderly filing of documents. Consider the following features of these unique high security multi-functional fire resistant cabinet:

  • 1½” thick walls consisting of formed steel exterior with 100% fire proof insulation (gypsum) reinforced by 1″ x 2″ lattice made of 14-gauge, galvanized welded steel wires.
  • A safe in the top drawer provides added protection against burglary attacks.
  • Has insulation in between drawers keeping it individually protected while drawer pulls are surface mounted for extra insulation inside the drawer heads.
  • Drawer heads are welded steel filled with fireproof insulation for maximum protection.
  • Can have individual locks per drawer or one lock for all the drawers for general locking with UL approved electronic locking mechanism or high security (extremely) pick resistant key locks.
  • Comes in 2 to 4 drawer configurations with either a regular letter size width or wider legal size document width capacity.
  • Depths can come in standard 31″ length or the shallower 25″ depth for smaller/tighter fit.
  • Different color options are available in a scratch resistant electrostatic powder coat finish.



Catalog Number Description Outside Dimensions
(H” x W” x D”)
Approx. Shipping
Weight (lbs.)
4-21-SF 4 Drawer Legal Safe-In-A-File 5213/16 x 203/4 x 211/2 850
3-21-SF 3 Drawer Legal Safe-In-A-File 403/8 x 203/4 x 311/2 650
2-21-SF 2 Drawer Legal Safe-In-A-File 273/8 x 203/4 x 311/2 510
2-21-EL 4 Drawer Letter Electronic Lock File 5213/16 x 1711/16 x 311/2 650
4-21-EL 4 Drawer Legal Electronic Lock File 5213/16 x 203/4 x 311/2 710


Catalog Number Description Outside Dimensions
(H” x W” x D”)
Approx. Shipping
Weight (lbs.)
4-1825-C 4 Drawer Letter 25″ Deep 5213/16 x 1711/16 x 25 550
4-2125-C 4 Drawer Legal 25″ Deep 5213/16 x 203/4 x 25 600
2-1825-C 4 Drawer Letter 25″ Deep 271/8 x 1711/16 x 25 320
2-2125-C 4 Drawer Legal 25″ Deep 271/8 x 203/4 x 25 345


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